#6ofMarcel: Polish cycle lane, PRWeek Awards and new Macs

I started a mini-series on my Instagram this week: #MarcelWritesDisso

Penultimate week of October is slowly coming to an end. That means I'm listing things that I really liked in the past few days. Today's post will be on the beautiful Polish cycle lanes, Apple event and one of the industry's most important nights.

 #6 All about coconut oilqz.com/813892

A great read from Quartz on coconut oil. The article deals with facts and myths around this superfood. Is coconut oil really that incredible and is it worth the price you need to pay for it? Can it really help with the weight loss and is it that spectacular with oral hygiene? It turns out that balance always wins.

#5 Barack Obama's always early

Without getting too much into politics, here's a clip with Barrack Obama talking about his biggest strength -- being everywhere early. The main message of the video is to encourage Americans to vote in the upcoming election. Early.

#4 Standing Up To Cancerbit.ly/2ecVn79

The initiative supported by the Channel 4's programme, that raises awareness and funds for the translational cancer research, was promoted by series of comedy videos with many famous, including Jose Murinho and John Bishop that are competing in the Bad Joke Battle. Hilarious and in the good cause!

Stand Up To Cancer will be aired on Channel 4 today from 7pm.

#3 Apple sends out invites for the eventtcrn.ch/2etpYYo

Media started receiving invitations to Apple's conference that is going to be held on October 27th. Tech giant from Cupertino has been giving journos hints that this might mean brand new Macs being announced during the event. I'm very much looking forward to the announcements!

#2 The world's most beautiful cycle lanebit.ly/2eiZKfh

via Telegraph

Lidzbark Warmiński in the northern Poland has definitely stood out recently. The authorities of the town unveiled the eco-friendly, powered by sun, cycle lane. Technology, provided by the engineering company TPA sp. z o.o, charges the lane with the sunlight. Beautiful, innovative and ecological!

#1 PRWeek Awards 2016bit.ly/2eoQfrA

Campaign #MissingType for NHS Blood and Transplant, via MHPC

The night many PR practitioners were waiting has finally come. One of the most prestigious industry awards have been handed out to the best agencies, in-house teams and the best pieces of work have been chosen. It was great to see my favourite campaigns and companies being praised, even if I was "attending" by following event's hashtag on Twitter.


ICYMI: I wrote about emerging apps. I also interviewed Mark Perkins, whose MHPC won a great amount of awards during the mentioned above night. Moreover, I started a min-series on my Instagram.

#6ofMarcel lists interesting, intriguing and thought-provoking things, I’ve encountered in the last few days.

If you have any suggestions, would like to guest post or give me a feedback, feel free to email me at kl.marcel [at] gmail.com, tweet me @marcelkl or connect with me on LinkedIn. Thanks for stopping by, have a splendid day!


Guest post: not a single way of getting into PR


#4PRQs for: Mark Perkins of MHP