#MKruns262: My new challenge
I'm running the London Marathon 2019 for Sense. And I'll need your help.
Those who follow me on my social channels might have seen my occasional post from a run. I love running. For a while now, completing a marathon has been my goal. I was especially keen to do my first 26.2-miler in London. London Marathon is one of the most popular and iconic events of this kind in the world.
This year, I secured the place for the London Marathon in April with fantastic charity called Sense.
Sense is a charity that supports people with complex communication needs, including those who are deafblind, to be understood, connected and valued. They are there for every person who faces communication barriers in a world that relies on being able to see and hear well to be connected.
By running the marathon with Sense, I pledged to fundraise £1,700. It's a lot of money, but I believe if we come together as a community, we can do it. For Sense.
#MKruns262 is a challenge on many levels; running a marathon is a big deal. And so is fundraising. I'll be updating you here on monthly basis on my training and fundraising. But don't worry, the main focus of MK still remains about public relations and careers.
Please visit MKruns262.co.uk to find all about the campaign. All donations and shares would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Image courtesy of Matt Buck of Running Adventures.
If you have any suggestions, would like to guest post or give me a feedback, feel free to email me at kl.marcel [at] gmail.com, tweet me @marcelkl or connect with me on LinkedIn. Thanks for stopping by, have a splendid day!