The #PowerAndInfluence chat: What I learnt, so far, about public relations

Tonight, I was really privileged to host the renowned #PowerAndInfluence Twitter chat, popularised by Ella Minty. I shared some of the lessons I've learnt -- so far -- working in public relations. Here are a few takeouts.

#1 Transparency is key

I started off the chat by sharing that I thought transparency and honesty were one of the most important traits for a PR practitioner.

Jennifer Sanchis rightly pointed out that these are key to building relationships.

Team Nine emphasised that transparency helps with reputation issues currently facing PR industry. We do, indeed, have a perception of people who lie for living.

Ella Minty touched on a very important aspect of being afraid to ask for help. This is something we all face!

Kerry, @PRKSheehan, accurately points out that ignorance -- especially at the junior level -- is something understandable and just... normal! Senior practitioners don't have all the answers, so why would we?

#2 PR has a lot to offer for different personalities

My second point was about how diverse a PR role can be. Everyone can find something for themselves, regardless their personality.

Debs Field made a brilliant point that we need to take a note of mix of introverts and extroverts in the industry. Those with louder voices can sometimes discourage those shy in the meeting room.

Ella argues that PR is the perfect career path for introverts! I do love the idea of combating this stereotype of an outgoing and always extroverted PR pro.

Arianne Williams points out that sometimes we just have to wear different masks.

#3 Asking the right questions

I've spoken about this before (and even wrote about it!) -- it's really important to ask the right questions. It'll help us avoid confusions and make our work a lot better.

Dan Gerrella asks about mesures of success -- stellar question!

Team Nine notices that the right questions might even be helpful when pitching media. PRs are clearly not always asking the right questions.

#4 Never stop learning

Learning is key to being a good PR practitioner. Learn from different sources and stay curious.

Rob Gage didn't quite agree with me on the Today programme front, but he made a sound point about undertaking Continuing Professional Development programme.

Dan points out that reading improves writing skills. We all know how important this is in PR.

#5 You won't get there on your own

Wrapping up, I shared my biggest learning of my career so far. It's people around me, people who aspire me and who help me grow that helped me get where I am. This is why having a mentor (or mentors) is so important.

Many thanks again to Ella Minty for this huge honour of hosting #powerandinfluence. Thank you for all of those who participated and shared their brilliant insights.

You can read the whole conversation in this Twitter Moment -- compiled by Ella.


If you have any suggestions, would like to guest post or give me a feedback, feel free to email me at kl.marcel [at], tweet me @marcelkl or connect with me on LinkedIn. Thanks for stopping by, have a splendid day!


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