I'm a big fan of simplicity. I think we need more of it. Both in public relations and in the work for clients, but also in our lives.
At the university, I've learnt the rule of KISS. Keep it stupid simple. Whatever you do -- be it campaign for your client, meeting agenda, or your fashion choices, don't overthink it. Keep it simple.
The best work is simple. Take a look at some of the best, most rememberable campaigns and stunts from the past months. Think of CALM and its work to raise awareness of the 84 men who die through suicide each week. And what about KFC's full-page 'FCK' apology?
Simple messages, simple thinking. Not going around the circles and confusing the audience.
I'm also continuously impressed by The Economist. Currently one of my favourite places to go for the analysis of what's happening in the world. Its covers are simple, topical and always thought-provoking. Take a look at the most recent one portraying Britain amid Brexit. Or the cover of March issue during Facebook's reputation crisis.
This is more subjective, but simply white sneakers are probably the easiest ones to integrate with any outfit. They don't need to be complicated.
Simple things send strong messages. They don't need many words, patterns or colours to be loud. Never underestimate simplicity.
Keeping it simple, especially when dealing with complex ideas, will certainly be challenging. But the outcome will cut through the noise and convoluted arguments. It'll make the difference and will make the audience reflect.
Don't overthink it, keep it stupid simple.
If you have any suggestions, would like to guest post or give me a feedback, feel free to email me at kl.marcel [at], tweet me @marcelkl or connect with me on LinkedIn. Thanks for stopping by, have a splendid day!